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History: Ray Smith quotes Gen. Lee on the importance of cornfield peas

Comments re article 67777 A Gardening Question about Cornfield Peas and availability here Ray Smith writes:
I've been reading John S. Wise's book, "The End of an Era" published in 1902. His father had been governor of Virginia and was a general in the CSA and John Wise fought at New Market with his fellow VMI cadets.

As the war went on, the privations in the South became more acute, especially with regard to food and clothing. On page 393, General Lee is quoted as responding to a query as to who was the best friend of the Confederacy by saying, "The only unfailing friend the Confederacy ever had was cornfield peas." - Ray Smith
Thanks! Ray Smith for the very interesting note on "Cornfield Peas." We've been lucky in Columbia to have an authority on Cornfield Peas and Purple Hulls, Barbara Armitage, the founder two transformative organizations - The Adair County Garden Club and the much-heralded Farmers Market on the Square, perhaps the biggest impetus for a dynamic rebirth of Downtown since my childhood days. Tomorrow, Saturday, 25 October 2014, 8am-1pmCT, in the Adair Annex Parking Lot, 424, Columbia, KY, the final session of the season will be held for 2014.

This story was posted on 2014-10-24 20:12:55
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