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Guest Editorial: Dumpster discovery points to solvable problem

Editorial re article 68166 Dumpster Diving Some usable stuff behind annex by Joyce Coomer

By Vonnie Kolbenschlag

Joyce's message tells me a number of things.

One is that we have the Shepherd Shop (1221 Greensburg Street, Columbia, KY) and Goodwill (212 Dohoney Trace, Holladay Place, Columbia, KY) - places to take good usable items for someone's use. It does not take too much time to make a little extra effort, and it is caring for others.

Another thing relates to the city budget and the increase in sanitation fees. I assume this means the cost of taking "trash" to the landfill. Anyone who does not recycle cardboard, paper, glass, plastic, newspaper, aluminum, and batteries is causing an increase in sanitation costs in the city budget.

New items made from recycled items rather than being made from the raw products consume less energy and less water in the making of new items. Saving energy(pollution) and water.

How about gathering places? Do all churches recycle? The park/recreation facilities? These are places especially where people should be mindful of caring for our Earth.

- Vonnie Kolbenschlag

This story was posted on 2014-06-26 06:05:46
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