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2014 Adair Co. Fair: Lawn Mower Demolition Derby

CM Coverage: 2014 Adair Co. Fair Schedule of Events

Monday, July 7, at 8:00 p.m. Central Time on the Main Track

Entry Fee $30.00

First Place $500.00
Second Place $250.00
Third Place $100.00

Keep in mind when building your mower, safety first for you and the mower you are hitting. Before any payouts, we may ask to look inside the mower for any batteries or chain driven set ups or shafts type set ups.

Lawn Mower Demolition Derby Rules
  1. Mower must be a factory available mower lawn or garden mower (no homemade frames).
  2. No rear engine lawn mowers are allowed.
  3. Engine must be factory lawn mower engine such as Briggs & Stratton, Tecumseh, Onan, etc.
  4. All modification and frame reinforcing will be allowed.
  5. Transaxles must be factory available mower transaxles, but any reinforcing and/or welding of spider gears is permitted.
  6. Engine bay reinforcing is permitted but must be contained inside of hood and must maintain factory body lines.
  7. All mowers must run a factory hood and fenders and have the hood either screwed or welded down to dash panel around drivers area (note: if hood is fiberglass you can make one out of sheet metal only, but must be the same size as the fiberglass one.) Hoods should not be any thicker than sheet metal.
  8. Mowers must have good brakes, forward, and reverse gears at the start of the heat.
  9. Gas tank must be secured and have a cap on it (any gas at all leaking and you will be asked to shut it down).
  10. Leg guards are mandatory and must be bolted and/or welded from rear fender to front of foot rest or frame.
  11. A rear bumper is permitted, but is not allowed to extend more than 4 inches out and it must stay in between the tires. Also no spikes, no sharp edges or any protrusions allowed (bumper can be home-made with I/H beam or square tubing).
  12. Re-gearing and changing of pulleys to increase speed is permitted and encouraged.
  13. Any and all drive-train modifications are permitted but must stay belt driven.
  14. All mowers must use lawn mower type wheels. Tractor treads and cut tires will be permitted but no tire chains or dual wheels will be allowed.
  15. Mower decks must be removed.
  16. All headlights and any other glass and plastics must be removed before you enter the fairgrounds.
  17. Batteries must be removed from mower and only used to jumpstart the mower before the heat begins. If a pull start is used, drivers will not be permitted to restart engine during the heat.
  18. No front bumpers. You can build up the front of the frame and underneath the grill to hit with. The front of the mower must be a smooth finish for safety.
  19. Roll-over driver is out of the heat. Also if a driver touches the ground with a hand or foot, the driver is also out of the heat.
  20. For safety, if a mower rolls over, all drivers must stop and wait until that driver up-rights his mower and gets off the track.
  21. Please put your number on each side of your mower or your helmet so we can track the winners.
  22. Mowers must have a kill switch.
  23. All ground rules will be gone over in a drivers meet before the heat.
  24. Must run pumped gas and not alcohol.

All questions call Thomas Long 634-3172

This story was posted on 2014-06-25 15:25:03
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