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A Wonderful Romance: Mary Frances & John Walker McCoy

John Walker McCoy, Mary Frances McCoy's 'Recycled Teenager' husband, is 85 years young today. John Walker McCoy is enthusiastic about the state of marriage, and proudly tells everyone he's been married all his life, just not to the same woman. This story is about the little girl who was smitten as a little girl, and is so happy that after his marriages in 1949 and 1979, his 1999 marriage was to her. It's been a wonderful romance, she says, with this surprise story for him on his birthday.
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By John Walker McCoy's wife and best friend, Mary Frances McCoy

To my husband, John Walker McCoy. He will be 85 years old today, Saturday, March 22.

I call him my recycled teenager husband.

He has lived in Burkesville all his life - except for when he was in the "Korean Conflict." He was a traveling salesman when he got out of service.

He worked for a grocery company and traveled to adjoining towns in Tennessee.

Now John could sell ice to an Eskimo, so this was an easy job for him. Selling was his passion, so he and his partner, Willie Ray Johnson, opened J's Discount, then Cumberland Wholesale and ran these for several years.

After that, John took to the road buying and re-selling motor oil. He did this up until just a few years ago, and loved every minute of it! Now he works in his large yard and has it picture perfect. BUT the thing he enjoys most - is riding his Harley, and his 900 RZR.

Believe the RZR is the most fun for him now. He loves riding those trails and being with a crowd of his buddies and having fun. When a man works hard for most of his life, he needs to finally take some time for himself and do what he enjoys the best. So John, hope this is the best birthday you have every had!

Everyone in Burkesville knows John Walker McCoy

Everyone in Burkesville knows John, so thought it would create some interest - so I'm happy to have it printed today on I hope a lot of his friends will see it here.

He's a deacon in First Christian Church, Burkesville; and has wonderful family

First, he is a deacon at the First Christian Church in Burkesville, KY.

Of course he has been married before and has three grown children.
A daughter, Nancy, from Glasgow, KY, has two sons, Derek and Kent who live in Celina,TN.

Also, that same store you visited last year? (Day Trip Travel: Another visit to Forbus General Store ) The Forbus store that I lived up the road from? Well, that is where I first saw John McCoy, my future husband.

I was a little girl about 8 or 10 and he was in his early twenties, and I had a huge crush on this salesman.

He was so very handsome all dressed up; "drummers" are supposed to look professional. "Drummers" is what they used to call the salesman, does anyone else remember that? Being the little girl child that I was, when I found out he had a pretty wife at home - well, then I didn't like him anymore. Life is so funny.

He's about 6 ft tall with great posture and build, silver hair, blue eyes. Forgive me if I sound so very proud of him?

Had a heart attack back a few years ago. No damage. He suffers from lupus, but that is under control. He takes mostly natural vitamins, not much medicine.

Bro. Paul Patton uses John Walker McCoy stories in his sermons
Our former pastor, Paul Patton, who lives in Campbellsville, KY said he had included John in lots of his sermons. He always laughed when I told him about John being the recycled teenager.

About Bro. Patton's sermons? I really don't know what he has said. He would tell anyone if they asked him, I think.

Hard work hasn't hurt John

I just know that working like a dog all his life didn't hurt him. HIs mind and reflexes are still as strong and sharp as ever. No one believes his age. He has a great sense of humor.

We found each other . . . again

Well, to beat it all, I was secretary for a short time for him and his wife when he ran Cumberland Wholesale. Then I didn't see him for a long time. I transferred to the post office in Glasgow, KY and my husband and I bought a farm in Summer Shade, KY.

The story of the ownership of Cumberland Wholesale

About ownership of Cumberland Wholesale. After they decided to do Cumberland Wholesale, they kinda had a disagreement, and John bought Willie Ray Johnson out. So it really only actually belonged to John. Something personal in 1979 may have had something to do with it.

For a time, I was very busy and didn't see him really until I got a divorce in the early nineties.

Course he was divorced, too. We dated seven years.

We will soon be married 15 years.

The story behind our home today

You have to be very careful what you wish for - or like.

When I was a little girl, I traveled with my Grandma Pyle to Glasgow, KY to see her doctor. And guess what? When we passed this pretty white house on a hill just out of Burkesville, KY, I always looked and secretly wished I lived here. And that is where we live now. After my divorce, I bought it.

A movie could be made about his life

Ha. Did I mention that John went to the big motorcycle ride called Big Sturgis out West? He and one of his buddies loaded up their bikes and went a few years back. You should see all his picture albums.

As quick as he gets back off his trips, we have the pictures developed and I put them in albums for him. Those albums are uncensored and interesting. If you have ever been to a motorcycle rally, you would know what I am talking about.

Lots of nudity and tattoos. When the time comes, we don't know what our kids will do with all our "stuff". We think about that as we get older.

Anyway, he was married in 1949, 1979 - and to me in 1999. He says he has been married all his life, just not to the same woman. Another one of his favorite sayings is this. When he asks a young person how old they are - and they tell him - he says, "Why, I have hemorrhoids older than you," and then just cracks up.

John's adventures, and the fun times documenting the diary

Thru the years we've been married, John has gone to the Grand Canyon and gone whitewater rafting and camped out for 7 or 8 nights, then in 2012 a bunch of them took their RZRs and went to Moab, Utah for some good trail riding.

As I said before, I know John has always had to work hard, and I have been proud that he has done these fun things. Also he went to the "Rolling Thunder" in Washington, DC, one year on his Harley. John has several grandchildren, greats and great-great grandchildren.

John has one younger brother, who also lives in Burkesville

I forgot to mention John's only younger brother, Sherman. He also lives in Burkesville with his wife Louise. Anyway, when Sherman was pretty small John's mother told him to keep an eye on his little brother while she did something in the house.

John was playing in the creek. He was about 8 years old and didn't really want to be bothered with a baby, so he put a big rock on one side of Sherman's dress so he couldn't crawl off.

The next thing he knew Sherman was splashing upside down in the creek. John recalls that and just laughs and laughs. Course all kids played in creeks back then. They were clean and there wasn't much else for little kids to do to entertain themselves in the summertime, out in the country. They were raised in a community called "Turkey Neck Bend". Times were so very different - no TV, no computers, not a whole lot of toys either.

A movie could be made about his life

A body could make a movie about his life. For me, it's been a wonderful romance, I think it has been for my husband, John Walker McCoy, the man I had such a crush on when I was 8 or 10 years old back in Forbus, Tennessee. I still do. Only this time it's for better. To my handsome, loving husband, "Happy Birthday, John Walker McCoy." - HIS ADORING WIFE, MARY FRANCES McCOY.

This story was posted on 2014-03-22 04:54:41
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A wonderful romance: Mary Frances & John Walker McCoy

2014-03-22 - Burkesville, KY - Photo from McCoy family album. Burkesville's John Walker McCoy is 85 today, Saturday, March 22, 2014, and his wife, Mary Frances McCoy, who fell in love with him when she was 8 years old in Forbus, TN, when he was a dashing handsome drummer. She was crushed to learn that he already had a pretty wife at home. But in time, she became the third - and current wife of John Walker McCoy, who, she says, endorses the blissful state of matrimony. He says, shes quotes, "I've been married all my life - just not to the same woman." The accompanying, adoring story of their wonderful romance is written by often published author Mary Frances McCoy. The couple is shown above in a photo she remembers as "Made probably 6 yrs ago at some motorcycle ride that we had here in Burkesville."
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A wonderful romance: John Walker McCoy, the love of her life

2014-03-22 - McCoy home in Burkesville, KY - Photo by Mary Frances McCoy. Mary Frances McCoy writes: "This was made in our yard. See John Walker McCoy's brown monkey sitting on the back of the motorcycle? That monkey has ridden many, many miles with John on this Harley. And before that he rode with him on the Gold Wing. This picture is probably 4 or 5 yrs. old. Where does time go? If I don't date them on the back, then I forget."
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A wonderful romance: John Walker McCoy - oldest rider

2014-03-22 - Burkesville, KY - Photo from McCoy family album.
Oldest rider helps raise money for local causes
: "The picture holding the card saying "Oldest Rider" - that was made last fall when we had the annual First Christian Church ride for "We Care" and "Cumberland County Rescue Squad" The money from the ride is donated to them - instead of "Relay for Life" We want our money to help local people." - MARY FRANCES McCOY

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