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Three taken to UK Burn Center after Sandusky ST vehicle fire

Air Evac was called to Westlake Regional but was grounded due to weather. All three victims transported by Adair EMS to UK burn center; juvenile later transferred to Cincinnati Shriner's Children's Hospital to a specialized burn unit where he is listed in critical condition. Columbia Adair County Fire Department, Adair County EMS, Adair SAR, and Columbia Police Department units at Sandusky Street site

By Ofc. Joshua Brockman, Public Affairs Officer

At 6:37pmCT, Saturday, December 28, 2013, Adair County 911 received a call stating that a car inside of a garage at 408 Sandusky Street was on fire and three people were suffering burn injuries. Columbia Adair County Fire Department, Adair County EMS, Adair SAR, and CPD officers were immediately dispatched to the scene. Upon officers arrival it was found that Jerry Ford of Columbia, Chris Karnes of Columbia, and a nine year old were in a shop adjacent to the residence working on a car.

Preliminary reports indicate that a fuel tank was being removed from a vehicle when it found a ignition source and ignited. The fire quickly engulfed the van and the juvenile. Ford and Karnes acted quickly to put out the fire on the juvenile suffering severe burns as a result.

Air Evac was called to Westlake Regional Hospital to transport the juvenile but was grounded due to the weather. All 3 victims were transported by Adair County EMS to the University of Kentucky Burn center with the juvenile being later transferred to Cincinnati Shriner's Children's Hospital to a specialized burn unit were he is listed in critical condition. - Ofc. Joshua Brockman, Public Affairs Officer, Columbia Police Department, Jason Cross, chief

This story was posted on 2013-12-29 20:43:06
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