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(Ad) Yard sale list climbed again early this morning

There's still time to add your yardsale this weekend to the grow list this Thursday morning - at 2:48amCT, there were 13. Why not Post Your Sale Now? It's easy, and for individuals in the 7-County area, Free.
(The really hot classifications now: CM RENTALS. (Rentals often happen fast, so scan this classification often.)

The list of Yard Sales in CM Classified listed for today. Yard Sales

If your Yard Sale within the 7-County area of Adair, Casey, Cumberland, Green, Metcalfe, Russell and Taylor Counties is not yet listed, please do so now. Yard Sale Text Ads up to 4 lines are FREE, when Street and Number are listed, or very cheap the old timey way, at $10 per 4 lines of text without Street and Number. See CM RATES and TERMS for advertising rates for other entries.

To get your ad posted, send using any Contact/Submit button. If you need help, Call 270-250-2730 and we'll help you email your ad.

For Super Impact: CM - a privately owned internet site always in need of revenue to operate - now offers Front Page Banner Ads with rates as low as $1/hour, minimums apply, but they're really cost effective for multi-party sales. Front page ads for 15 hours, with just 4 people pitching in would cost each just $6.25! And you're doing a good thing, helping to keep CM's community service possible.

This story was posted on 2013-10-03 02:37:49
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