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Adair County Fiscal Court Meeting, Sept. 10, 2013 Report

  • County tables, but plans to implement Perfection Groups guaranteed Energy Savings upgrades, starting with Jail
  • County tables, but appears poised to conduct mass roadside herbicide spraying
  • Reading of the roads conducted by Justin Bailey
  • J.D. Zornes, Beth Grant appointed to Library Board
  • County Treasurer reports $1,594,498.70 reconciled balance
  • Flex Funds will pay for $314,016 in road repairs; see list
  • Court will co-pay flu shots for county employees not in insurance plan
  • Court approves refunding unspent Recycling Grant funds
  • Deputy B.J. Bray gives Sheriff's report
  • Routine matters routinely approved

  • CJE addresses septic tank problems at Green River Animal Shelter. (It's not on CAUD sewer system

  • By Ed Waggener

    The Adair Fiscal Court plans to move ahead with a program presented by the Perfection Goup, to retrofit buildings with energy savings systems, but tabled a final decision until Judge Ann Melton receives word of an application for a $100,000 grant Adair County has applied for - before going ahead with the program.

    The Perfection analyzes energy use, and makes improvements which the Perfection Group guarantees will be self-amortizing through energy savings alone.

    The top priority for the program is the Adair County Jail, and the Annex. However, the Magistrates may decide to have all county buildings undergo the program, which is similar to successful plans at the Adair County School system, with Ameresco, at Lindsey Wilson College, with Siemens, and at Westlake Regional Hospital. In the case of the jail, which is now having frequent air conditioning problems, the Perfection Group would be updating the HVAC system with guarantees that it would be paid for through energy savings alone. The plan was table until word on the grant is received, with a plan by CJE Ann Melton to call a special session once that word is received. The vote to table until the grant decision is received was made by Magistrate Joe Rogers (Dist. 6) seconded by Magistrate Billy Dean Coffey (5), with Magistrates Harold Burton (1), Daryl Flatt (2), Sammy Baker (3), Perry Reeder (4), and Billy Rowe (7) voting in the affirmative.

    County appears poised for mass-scale herbicide spraying

    The Adair County Fiscal Court is poised to do mass-scale roadside herbicide spraying, after hearing a report from Fifth District Magistrate Billy Dean Coffey. Coffey said that the sprayer does a really good job.

    Coffey made the report after a trip to Green County to see a system which is in operation there. The sprayer would use a controversial herbicide called "Crossbow," (not Round-up, as CJE Ann Melton said before the meeting; Round-up was also on a handout presented by 7th District Magistrate Billy Rowe which was supposed to answer what Rowe said were "false" statements on about the herbicide).

    No action was taken at the meeting, but no opposition to use of herbicides was heard from any of the court.

    Sammy Baker, District 3, said that the county might be liable if roadways were not kept safe, but did not elaborate on the county's liability for a spill or misuse of the herbicide.

    According to Magistrate Coffey, the use of the herbicides would save money on mowing.

    The matter was table, but is expected to come up in January, but could rear its head earlier.

    Reading of the Roads, Adair Fiscal Court, Sept. 10, 2013 meeting

    Adair County 911 Mapping and Addressing Coordinator Justin Bailey conducted the reading of the roads.

    In District 1, The court unanimously approved a second reading to change the name of Gennie Hill Road to Rich Road. The court also unanimously approved a first reading of a 25 mph speed limit on Fairview Road.

    In District 5, a second reading an ordinance removing Nancy Cobb Road from County Maintenance was tabled because a hearing had not been held.

    In District 6, the court gave unanimousl approval to a second reading for a stop sign on Crooked Creek Road at Caldwell Ridge Road.

    For District 7, the court unanimously approved a first reading imposing a 35 mph speed limit on L. Hancock Road.

    Judge Melton Court approves Beth Grant, J.D. Zornes for library board

    Judge Ann Melton received four names from the Adair County Library Board for two seats. The board sent the names of Beth Grant, the current chair, and Bonnie Rogers for one seat, and the names of J.D. Zornes and Mary Keltner for the other. She recommended Beth Grant for reappointment, and former board member J.D. Zornes for the other. Both were unananimously approved by Fiscal Court. Zornes replaces Nicole Turner, who had served two terms.

    The Library Board advertised the positions in both the county's legal paper, The Adair Progress, and the Community Voice, and, according the board's minutes for August 12, 2013, "zero was received." (For CM readers: Neither a news announcement nor a public notice was received for publication on about the vacancies from the library board. Either or both would have been posted.)

    Other members of the library board are Mary Knight, Georgina Roy, and Nancy Ballou.

    County Treasurer reports $1,594,498.70 reconciled balance

    County Treasurer Barry Corbin reported a reconciled balance in all county funds of $1,594,498.70 at the end of August, 2013, with unencumbered cash balance of $1,369,051.60. The increase was due in large part to receipts from the state which went into the road fund, which stood at $1,2226,790.32 in the reconciliation. The report was unanimously approved, as was the treasurer's request for appoval of budget transfers as needed.

    In other treasury related action, the Court unanimously approved the 2nd reading of the budget amendment.

    Roads receive $314,016 in State Flex Funds

    Judge Melton announced the receipt of $314,016 in Flex Funds from the Commonwealth of Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, Department of Highways and asked for and received Court approval for a Resolution to adopting and approving execution of a Memorandum of Agreement between the Adair County Fiscal Court the Commonwealth.

    Road work which will be done with the funds include the following:
    • District 1 - Resurfacing on a 4,000 ft. segment of Spruce Pines Road, $39,196.00
    • District 2, Marvin Jones Road, resurfacing 1300 ft, $10,742; Wilson Road, resurfacing 2979 ft, $28,454
    • District 3, Pres Mitchum road, resurfacing 130 ft, $3,280 and patching 216 ft., $5,330; Loy Cemetery Road, patching 956 ft., $12,218.00; patching 160 ft, $2,050; and Eddie Compton Road, resurfacing 1725 ft., $16,322
    • District 4, G. Taylor Road, resurfacing 5,260 ft., $76,050.00
    • District 5, Ray Coffey Road, resurfacing 2,919 ft, $29,962; J. Yates Road, patching 957 ft, $9,184
    • District 6, Roley-Yuma Road, resurfacing 3601 ft, $39,200
    • District 7, L. Hancock Road, resurfacing 2,750, $33,866; and Taylor Ford Road, resurfacing $675 ft., $8,282.000
    Court approves co-pay for flu shots

    At Judge Melton's recommendation, the Court approve co-pays for county workers who are not participating in the court's health insurance program for flu shots to be given by CVS Pharmacy. Under Obamare, Judge Melton said, the insurance companies have to pay the full amount of flu shots. The court agreed to cover the co-pay, $28, for employees not in the county's health insurance plan.

    Court approves refunding unspent Recycling Grant funds

    The court approved a court order giving permission to CJE Ann Melton to refund $328.54 in unspent Recycling grant funds from a 2012-2013 recycling grant. The check will go to the Kentucky State Treasurer.

    Deputy B.J. Bray gives Sheriff's Report

    Adair County Deputy B.J. Bray gave the Sheriff's report, which was approved unanimously, as follows: Sheriff's Activity Report for August 2013:
    • 61 Warrants of arrest served
    • 10 Criminal cases opened
    • 13 Call response reports written
    • 15 Emergency protection orders served
    • 4 Domestic abuse cases worked.
    • 6 Non-injury accidents worked
    • 5 Injury accidents worked
    • 24 Out of county transports
    • 15 Citations written for criminal activity
    • 65 Civil process papers served
    • 12 Criminal summonses served
    • 143 Subpoenas served
    • 113 Hours of court security provided
    • 139 Vehicle inspections done
    CJE addresses septic tank problems at GRAS

    An item CJE Ann Melton addressed, which was not on the Agenda, was the cost of the septic tank treatment which was supposed to solve its problems. A contract to pay $300 per month to put more chemicals into the system did not solve the problems. Fiscal Court will be considering a lift station to pump the waste from Green River Animal Shelter, GRAS Jim Blair Drive, up to a sewer main of Jamestown Street/KY 55.

    Odd as it seems that this facility, located in the City Limits, is not on CAUD sewer; a call to Jennifer Carter at Columbia/Adair Utilities District, confirmed that the Animal Shelter is not charged city/sewer. Routine matters routinely approved

    The court routinely approved minutes for sessions on August 13, 2013, and September 3; bills and additional bills, an amendment to include KLEPF (Kentucky Law Enforcement Foundation Program Fund) funds in the $319,500 annual maximum for the Sheriff's deputies and assistants; and the litter abatement report.

    This story was posted on 2013-09-11 16:18:51
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