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VOTE: It's Election Day - Polls are open 6am-6pm prevailing time

Adair County's most watched race is Kentucky 15th Senate Seat. 7 names are on the ballot, but votes will be counted only for Mark Polston, A.C. Donahue, or Chris Girdler. Two candidates, Adair Countian Hilda Legg and Casey Countian Todd Hoskins, have withdrawn. Two others do not live in district and votes will not be counted for them. Polston has backing of Senator McGaha and has been endorsed by Todd Hoskins. His campaign is seen as stronger in Adair, Casey, and Russell Counties. Chris Girdler has had the most campaign money to spend and is seen stronger in Pulaski County. Local Circuit Court race in Russell County should add to vote total there. Local races in Pulaski, too.

By Ed Waggener

Today is an important day: It's primary election day in Kentucky. The ballots are short in Adair (CT), Casey (ET), Cumberland (CT), Green (CT), Metcalfe (CT), Russell (CT) and Taylor (ET) Counties, so there should be no long lines to deal with today.

This election is just as important as any other. Voting today is validation, a personal patriotic acknowledgement of the sacrifice so many have made to give us the right to vote. With the selection of state and local officials, there are important personal, partisan, and political reasons to go to the polls today.

Even if for purely pragmatic reasons, the level of voting is a a metric of the values of the, as much as educational attainment, financial, and health measurements are used in critiques of locales. It shows we care.

Here's a link to polling places for Adair Countians: Adair Clerk Sheila Blair's office (thanks to Deputy Melissa Fletcher) lists Polling Places, Officers, May 22, 2012 election

And here are links to the sample ballots for the Tuesday, May 22, 2012 Primary election in the 7-County area:
Adair Co., KY. Casey Co., KY. Cumberland Co., KY. Green Co., KY. Metcalfe Co., KY Russell Co., KY. Taylor Co., KY
That 15th District Senate Seat
And, for the most watched race in Adair, Casey, Pulaski, and Russell Counties, see: Greatest interest in 3-way District 15 KY Senate Seat race. For political junkies who want to predict how the turnout will go in Pulaski County, here's the sample ballot: Primary, May 22, 2012 Sample Ballot, Pulaski Co., KY

This story was posted on 2012-05-22 04:55:51
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