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Full names of all three CWC Top Readers now posted

Comments re photo 45303 Top CWC Accelerated Readers Over 300 points

Wes Stephens writes:
The young lady in the middle (between Amber Loy and Morgan Spoon - CM) is Kennedy Stephens. I'm not sure why her last name was left off, but I just wanted to give her full recognition. She and all the other students worked really hard on accelerated reader this year, and we are very proud of all of them. - Wes Stephens
Thanks, Wes Stephens: I'm not sure where the omission occurred, but have a sneaking suspicion the error was mine. In any case, it was important, and has been corrected. More than one person sent letters telling us about it. Thanks to all who proofed and wrote to us.

The golden lining in this experience is that it validates our belief that photos should only be posted when faces which should be identified are, that a picture isn't worth two words if those words are a person's name. And yes, we agree this achievement was outstanding. What winners they are! It can be seen it in their faces and in their eyes. Accelerated Reader recognition is top priority news at CM. Thanks. - Ed Waggener

This story was posted on 2012-05-22 03:20:19
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