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ACHS Seniors Score Proficient on Technology Literacy Assessment

By Chad Parnell
News from Adair County High School

ACHS seniors, for the third consecutive year, have scored Proficient on the 21st Century Skills Assessment. This online assessment uses both interactive and multiple choice questions to gauge students' knowledge of technology. Kentucky schools are required to report to the Kentucky Department of Education the number of students who are technology literate in grades 8 and 12. Adair County Schools assess students in grade 6, as well.

The 21st Century Skills Assessment is aligned to the 24 standards in the International Society for Technology Education's National Technology Education Standards for Students (ISTE NETS-S). The standards are grouped into six strands: Creativity and Innovation, Communication and Collaboration, Research and Information Fluency, CriticalThinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making, Digital Citizenship, and Technology Operations and Concepts.

In addition to scoring Proficient overall, ACHS seniors scored Proficient in each of the six strands for the first time in the three years of the assessment. ACHS Principal Troy Young said, "Our positive scores are the result of everyone integrating technology into the classroom whenever possible." - Chad Parnell

This story was posted on 2012-05-07 13:06:13
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Technology training at ACHS

2012-05-07 - ACHS, 526 Indian Drive, Columbia KY - Photo by Chad Parnell.
Eli Coomer foreground and Allison Feese, both juniors at ACHS who will take a technology assessment next year, work on a PowerPoint presentation for their Environmental Science class. PowerPoint presentations, iPads, video presentations, online learning and many other forms of technology use occur in ACHS classrooms throughout the year which help students become proficient in technology. Chad Parnell

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