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Just in: President Obama comments on passage of trade agreements Statement by the President on the Passage of Trade Agreements and Trade Adjustment Assistance. Says passage will boost exports of 'Made in America' labeled products: The landmark trade agreements and assistance for American workers that passed tonight are a major win for American workers and businesses. I've fought to make sure that these trade agreements with South Korea, Colombia and Panama deliver the best possible deal for our country, and I've insisted that we do more to help American workers who have been affected by global competition. Tonight's vote, with bipartisan support, will significantly boost exports that bear the proud label "Made in America," support tens of thousands of good-paying American jobs and protect labor rights, the environment and intellectual property. American automakers, farmers, ranchers and manufacturers, including many small businesses, will be able to compete and win in new markets. I look forward to signing these agreements, which will help achieve my goal of doubling American exports and keeping America competitive in the 21st century.Above from The WHITE House, Office of the Press Secretary, 9:23pmCT, Wednesday, October 12, 2011 This story was posted on 2011-10-12 21:43:03
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Bessie J. Elmore, Russell County, KY (1938-2011 Alma C. Dalton, Casey County, KY (1929-2011) Planning session Oct. 18, 2011, for 2nd Community Thanksgiving Dakota Meyer T's, photos available for pick up in the CJE's office ACHS football honors Breast Cancer survivors Living by Grace at Mt. Carmel UMC, Sunday, Oct. 23, 2011 The smell of Fall in the air can be hazardous to your health. (Ad) Another big weekend yard sale - this one in Russell Co., KY 2011 LW Homecoming is Friday, Saturday, October 21-22 Columbia Poetry Nights continue to have strong support View even more articles in topic News |
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