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Columbia/Adair Co. Fireworks Display an unforgettable show

When the tribute to fireman Charles Sparks was performed, there wasn't a dry eye in sight
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By Linda Waggener

There were huge crowds for up to three quarters of a mile and more to watch last night's incredibly moving fireworks show, made all the more meaningful by a tribute to Fireman Charles Sparks.

Spaces for the Lindsey Hill vantage points were all taken. The Fairgrounds itself was jammed for the free show. Cars were parked on Jamestown Hill, Gobblers' Knob, and out 206 to watch the show. Many were on Wain ST, the Mill Lot, and in the Pickett Hill area. Wherever the bursts could be seen, there were viewers.

Doyle Lloyd called it a "great fireworks show," and he's a tough critic of extravanganzas.

Mother - Geniece Marcum - and I watched it from Lindsey Hill. We both thought it was spectacular, and wished only that the boys - Graham and Evan - were here again this year as they usually are.

Perhaps the most moving part of the night was a special tribute to Charles Sparks. Cynthia Collins-Dubree wrote this morning thanking the Jaycees and the Adair County Fire Department for a remarkable job on the fireworks this year:"The dedication that the fire department has for each other and the dedication that was given to Charles (Sparky) Sparks, was very taken by all. Where I was sitting there was not many dry eyes. Thank you Adair County, for another fine job this year." --Cynthia CollinsDubreeThat expresses what most of us were feeling. The show seemed longer this year than ever, but no one thought it went beyond the attention spans of anyone.

It made me proud. Proud of my country. Proud of my city and county. Proud of the service my - and all our - families have contributed to make the Fourth of July live on forever.

I was proud that our community offers the thrill of fireworks at a scheduled, predictable time, with safety a priority, to be enjoyed by all.

Even more so, this year, I was so proud of the Columbia/Adair County Fire Department and so proud of that special fireman, Charles Sparks and his very special family. Our prayers are with them.

Maybe everyone in the world doesn't choke with emotion the way we do. Maybe some places it would be hokey. For me, it always brings up memories of my wonderful World War II veteran father, and my uncles and those who served in the military from the Waggener side of the family. I know it's not hokey here. It's a cornerstone of our way - "the Adair County Way" - where we look after each other, contribute all we can, we fly the flag, and we're as patriotic as anywhere in America. -Linda Waggener.

This story was posted on 2011-07-05 09:13:33
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Adair County July 4th Fireworks

2011-07-05 - 413 Fairgrounds ST, Columbia, KY - Photo by Doyle Lloyd.
"The Adair County Fire Department put on another great fireworks show again this year." -Doyle Lloyd. Seen in the ColumbiaMagazine group on Flickr.

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Adair County July 4th Fireworks

2011-07-05 - 413 Fairgrounds ST, Columbia, KY - Photo by Doyle Lloyd.
Photographer Doyle Lloyd captured this unusual fireworks burst last night, July 4, at the great Adair County Fireworks display. Seen in the ColumbiaMagazine group on Flickr. The free to the public fireworks show was executed by the Columbia/Adair County Fire Department and was funded by the Adair County Fiscal Court and the City of Columbia.

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Fireworks finale, from launch scene

2011-07-05 - 413 Fairgrounds ST, Columbia, KY - Photo by Greg Thomas, Thomas Photography.
Adair County Community Fireworks, July 4, 2011: "Here's a shot to the Fireworks at the Adair County Fair on the 4th. This shot was taken when they started shooting of the last bunch off for the night." -Greg Thomas.

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