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Miss Victoria comments on official name for B, B&B

Miss Victoria Pike writes:
Might better hold up on that official name of the place (Miss Victoria's Boarding House, Bread, Bed and Breakfast House, Tourist Home, and Home Away from Home for Families of Refinement). I must check first with my chief financial advisor, Hack Rowe. Can't do anything without his input. Have a great day.
Extremely smart. There are those in Adair County who still remember Hack Rowe, not only for his spectacular basketball play, his envied Wimbledom tennis form, and his sagacious political wisdom, but as the greatest hotelier in South Central Kentucky since King Crenshaw. Getting his advice for the Bed, Bread and Breakfast is wise. For those who are unaware, Mrs. Pike and her mother Gertrude Browning farm one of Kentucky's most coveted properties at the Great American crossroads, KY 61 S at the Louie B. Nunn Parkway. -EW

This story was posted on 2011-04-09 05:43:41
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