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COF refuses to change name to conform

Comments re article 41526: Oldtimey hailed as great descriptive wordCOF writes:
Mix Berry's comments not withstanding, Dagnabit if'n I''ll be a changin' the O in COF to ole-timey which seems ta me ta be refer'n to outta date!

Here at Dun Roman we are jest as modernized as we need ta be. The Atwater-Kent only gits one station but dang if'n I cain figgur how a body kin listen to more that one at a time ennyhow.

The Studebaker Hawk in the barn serves us jest fine since we don't go enny where enny how. Reckon if we were ta need it a little tune-up might be in order since we ain't really cranked it up since we rode down to the fire station to vote for Mr. Goldwater.

I do have to admit thet Miz Emily is gittin a little worn down round the edges but ain't seen any of the newer models thet could stand up to the rigors of tryin to keep this Crusty Ole Fool in line.
COF at Dun RomanStill Crusty Ol' Fool; not Crusty Oldtimey Fool
High on an old ridge o'er beautiful Downtown Knifley

This story was posted on 2011-01-01 19:05:59
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