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A birthday coincidence in the Grider family of Adair Co., KY

A Birthday Remembrance of My Beloved Aunt and Great-grandmother, who share the same birthday, November 15

By E.H. Lepiarczyk II

My aunt and great-grandmother share the same birthday today, November 15. My aunt, the late Nona Marie Grider Cook, was born in 1924 at Concord, near Craycraft, Adair County, Kentucky. My late great-grandmother, Mary Margaret Bryant Grider, was born in 1846, the proximity of Russell Creek, Adair County. Today, the community where my aunt was born is known as New Concord and where my great-grandmother was born is known as Joppa. My aunt, Nona Marie Grider Cook, is the daughter of the late Daniel Marion Grider and Effie Burton Grider. My great-grandmother, Mary Margaret Bryant Grider, is the daughter of the late Daniel Bryant and Lucilla Smith Bryant.

Effie Grider

My grandmother, Effie Grider, expressed in her lifetime how much Nona reminded her of Mary. Nona resembled her grandmother greatly. My great-grandmother was loved, admired, and revered by many people who knew her in their lifetimes. She was a devoutly religious lady. And of course, Mary was a very proud lady, whom my aunt, Stella Frances Grider Cross, recalls glowed with class. Mary was raised near the Zion Baptist Church at Zion, Adair County; where she attended services with members of her family. She also attended the Zion School as a young scholar. In Mary's generation, the Zion School was called 'the college'! Mary was twice married; the wife of the late Marion Francis Edrington and James Grider. Mary was the mother of two daughters from her first marriage; and the mother of one son, my grandfather, the late Daniel Marion Grider, from her second marriage. Mary was a charter member of the Freedom Church of God at Freedom, Adair County. Mary's funeral was! conducted in 1936; Clear Springs Methodist Church at Clear Springs, Adair County.

Nona Marie Grider Cook

My aunt, Nona Marie Grider Cook, loved and greatly admired her grandmother, Mary Margaret Bryant Grider, and was honored throughout her life to have been born on her grandmother's birthday! Nona was always a Grider family treasure. From her early youth Nona was blessed with a brilliant intellectual mind and exceeding beauty. She was 15 years old when she graduated from Glensfork High School at Glensfork, Adair County. She was a protege of the renowned Adair County educator, the late Mrs. Walter Demaree Richards. Nona graduated from Lindsey Wilson Junior College when she was 17 years old. The first school where Nona taught was Zion School, the very same school her grandmother, Mary, attended as a young girl. When my mother, Katherine Louise Grider Lepiarczyk, was a young scholar, she could have been a pupil of her sister at Garlin School, Garlin, Adair County; but mother was content to be a pupil of her cousin, the late Ms. Stella Ray Richards, at Concord School, Concord, near Garlin. Nona enjoyed her teaching career; and advanced to a new career in law enforcement for most of her life. Nona was one of the first, and the only female, in her police academy class in Louisville, Kentucky. Before her retirement, Nona, worked mainly with juveniles at the Louisville Police Department. Nona died in 1996; Columbia, Kentucky.

Nona was always a very resolute and strong willed lady. She made her presence known. Nona is the mother of one daughter, Mrs. Jerrilyn Kay Ballou Emberton, of Adair County. Nona was a religious lady who worshiped our Lord in her own way. She grew up attending services at Concord Church which were held in the Concord School at Concord, near Garlin. Nona was baptized in Sulphur Creek when she was a teenage girl.

Nona was known to her nephews and nieces as "Aunt Giggie". All of her nephews and nieces concur that no one had an aunt like our Aunt Giggie! She is loved, honored, and remembered by us all. When I think of Aunt Giggie, I think of how she impressed me by saying what she meant; and meaning what she said. Ambiguity was not part of Aunt Giggie's character. She was who she was; no more, no less. I thank God for a fine great-grandmother and aunt who share this November 15 for their birthdays.

May God bless all members of the Grider and Bryant families always. -E.H. Lepiarczyk II

This story was posted on 2010-11-15 16:03:11
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