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102 Years Ago: The multi-cubit serpent of Glensfork, KY

Expatriate enduring Ohio, while pining for life in Adair Co., KY, and the Sacred Triangle of Sano-Ono-Esto of Russell Co., KY, is puzzled by troubling conjecture as to exact Scientific name of extry long, extry slender snake. Hoop snake? *Cabbage snake? If the latter he says, it could have meant a return of a severe food shortage, a famine of sorts.

By Jim

While scrying the musty, dusty pages of the Adair County News of fivescore and two years ago, this most amazing item tucked away on page five caught my attention:

Messrs. N.B. Kelsay, H.C. Hudson and O.B. Harvey killed a snake a few days ago that measured nine feet and five inches in length and only 3/4 of an inch in diameter. This was a rather large and peculiar snake, but was not too large nor too peculiar to be killed by these three gentlemen. In fact, we have serious doubts as to whether there could be another trio of gentlemen found in this section who could kill a snake of the above dimensions. (Glensfork newsletter, July 15, 1908.)
Oh, that Dr. Billy Neat were here to lend his expertise and sage advice!

One must wonder if this were a specimen of the well know if exceedingly rare Adair County Hoop Snake, or perhaps a hitherto unknown subspecies of the deadly cabbage snake that a few years earlier had terrorized the citizenry of Adair County and created a kraut shortage of a magnitude unheard of before or since.

Is it possible that The Last Graduate (Ph.D.) of the Billy Neat University of Varmintology will come forth with his or her opinion about the multi-cubit serpent of Glensfork? Jim

*Footnote to this piece of historyDid you ever hear of the Great Cabbage Snake Scare of ca. 1904-06? The scare was quite real; the cabbage snake itself was of questionable authenticity, or so the Gummit wanted folks to believe. Without the objective, scientiific analysis of Dr. Neat (or even the bumblings of Mulder & Scully) to enlighten us, the truth shall never be known. -Jim the Obscure

This story was posted on 2010-08-20 06:22:42
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