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Today, Sat. Oct. 4, 2008: Arts/Crafts Festival at Giles House

EVENTS: Spotlighting, in brief, today's events for Day 278 of 2008 (Leap Year - 88 days remaining)
  • Today: Tenth Annual Arts and Crafts Festival at Giles House COMPLETE STORY
  • Today: Campbellsville University 2008 Homecoming. October 3 and 4, 2008. a Href=>PRINTABLE SCHEDULE ALL CU HOMECOMING EVENTS
  • Today: LWC Volleyball team at Spalding University, Louisville, KY
  • Today: Pumpkin Festival, downtown Edmonton, Metcalfe County, KY
  • Today: Adair County CJE Ann Melton's county wide outdoor burning ban remains in effect until further notice
  • Today: Adair County Recycling Trailer at Old Town Cafe', Knifley, KY
  • 8:00amCT: Adair County Marching Band leaves Columbia for Murray, KY
  • 2:00pmCT: Bearwallow Fall Festival at Bearwallow UMC
  • 2:15pmCT: LWC Men's Soccer at Marion, IN
  • 3:00-7:00pmCT: Homecoming weekend at Cane Valley Baptist
  • 3:00pmCT to around 4:00pmCT: 2nd Annual Community Pig Roast at Rerun's Holmes Bend General Store. Rerun furnishes meat and bread. Just bring potluck dishes and enjoy!
  • 4:15pmCT: Adair County Marching Band in Bands of America at Murray, KY
  • 6:00pmCT/7:00pm: 43 Plays for 43 Presidents at University Theatre, Campbellsville University
  • 9:30amCT: Relay for Life 2009: Craig's Classmates volleyball event
  • 6:00pmCT: Revival at Sanders Chapel
  • Reminder: Send mail from home to Adair Countians who are deployed to war zones in Iraq and Afghanistan. How to mail to servicemen and list of addresses

For events in detail and to scan future events into 2009, Click here

This date in history: Click Here to access facts from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia about this day in history.

Countdown to Second Sunday: It's only 8 days to 2:00-5:00pmCT, Sunday, October 12, 2008, when Adair Countians make a bold move for a healthier, wealthier, happier community. A wonderful stretch of roadway, from on Greensburg Street, now also KY 439, from Paul Mann Road to the Adair County Schools Administration Building and across Indiana Drive to the Adair County Elementary School, will be closed to motorized traffic on Second Sunday. A huge turn out is expected. For further information, contact Kelli Bonifer at the UK Extension Service. Phone (270) 384-2317.

Countdown to Super Wal-Mart opening, Holladay Place: 25 days

Countdown to November 4, 2008 General Election 31 days remaining. Ballot position, local candidates Register to vote in the office of Adair County Court Clerk Sheila Blair Mon.-Friday, 8:00am-4:00pmCT. RCP Electoral College Outlook. Presidential Polls; RCP Presidential Poll, Kentucky only

The candidates' messages:The following candidates are seeking your vote in the Tuesday, November 4, 2008, Election:

51st District Kentucky House of Representatives
  • Billy Joe Fudge
    Pd. Pol. Adv. Paid for by candidate, Libby Reynolds Fudge, treasurer.

  • John BAM Carney
    Pd. Pol. Adv. Paid forCommittee to elect John "Bam" Carney 51st District State Representative
Columbia City Council:Court:
Monday, October 6, 2008.
Two (2) Cases in Adair Circuit Court (Judge Janes Weddle). No (0) cases in District Court (Judge Michael Loy). Click Here to check Adair Court schedule at the Kentucky Court of Justice Website. To visit Adair Circuit Clerk site, Click Here

(ADV): What's Cooking in Adair County, KY, today:
Click restaurant names for hours, directions, and prices.

  • Betty's OK Country Cooking Saturday, October 4, 2008. Meats: CATFISH. TURKEY w/DRESSING. COUNTRY HAM Vegetables: Mashed Potatoes. Green Beans. Candied Yams. Stirfry Vegetables. Baby Carrots. Macaroni/Cheese. Corn. Buffet includes Cornbread, Rolls. On the buffet cold bar: Pasta Salad, plus Potato Salad. Coleslaw. Peaches. Pears. Cottage Cheese. Pepper relish. Sweet onion. Today's SPECIAL DESSERTS: Sugar Free Banana Creme PiePlus our really big regular list of favorite cakes and desserts. BREAKFAST: Served anytime. We have Grits

  • Bob's Country Kitchen & General Store
    Hotbar Special, Saturday, October 4, 2008: SALISBURY STEAK w/Brown Gravy. Mashed Potatoes. Green Beans. Homegrown Sliced Tomatoes. Coleslaw. Sweet White Onions. Bob's Crunchy, Crusty Ovenbaked Cornbread. DESSERTS: Chocolate and Lemon Kay Burton Meringue Pies. Turtle Cheesecake.
    For this COOL FALL WEATHER: Bob's Big Bowl, Hearty, CHILI, Just $1.89
    CELEBRATE THIS WEEKEND: Ribeye Steak, cooked to order, Fresh Cut Salad. Choice of Potato. Just $7.99
    Reminder to have Sunday dinner buffet feast at Vester.

    LET US PACK YOUR LUNCH. Sandwiches made to order. We carry the widest variety of Fresh Cold Cuts and Cheeses.

  • Buffalo Hills RanchNothing can be more refreshing on warm Autumn Days than a Dr. Smoothie Smoothie from Buffalo Hills Ranch. Get America's Original Health Food, Buffalo (American Bison), for weekend grilling. Soon: First Adair County Grown Buffalo will be available here.

  • The Dairy Dip Saturday, October 4, 2008: Watch for specials in the window. An Announcement This year, The Dairy Dip of Columbia will remain open ALL YEAR! Don't forget, for that perfect cone of ice cream, it's here at Dairy Dip. Call ahead (270) 384-4644 and we'll have you back on your way in no time! -PATRICIA WILLIS.

  • Donut ExpressDelicious, Fresh Baked Donuts every day right here in Columbia. Always fresh. Always a big variety. Glazed, cake, jelly-filled, plain, fancy and more! Try our Chocolate Eclairs: Custard or Creme Filled. People drive from miles around to get them.

  • Ol' Joe Barbee's B&B QUE Ol' Joe's will be open TODAY, Saturday, October 4, 2008 with barbecue ready sometime around 8:30-9:00amCT. Get it and eat it today or get it and freeze it for the long wait for Ol' Joe to open again in 2 weeks! Ol' Joe's is the Home of Ol' Joe's Original KY Wings, Ol' Joe's Sauces and Rubs, and just about the best barbecue you'll find anywhere. Slow smoked to perfection. Meaty ribs. Delicious barbecued chicken. Call for Catering. Call ahead for large orders.

  • Old Town Restaurant, KY 551, Knifley, KY.Open, each day from 5:00amCT with full breakfast, lunch, and dinner in the completely remodeled Knifley Grade Center.

  • NEW! Red Barn Bar-B-Q. 309 Hudson Street, Columbia, KY. A smoke free restaurant.
    OPEN TODAY: Saturdayday, October 4, 2008: With all the great choices: Shoulder, Pulled Pork, Ribs, Tenderloin, and Chicken cooked fresh daily from an Open Pit Barbecue! See MENU then call ahead for quicker service or for large orders.
    HOURS: Thursdays (10-8), Fridays (10-8), Saturdays (10-8:30) and Sundays (10-7) with Genuine Monroe County Style Barbecue. We'll make your taste buds tingle. Catering available. Dine in. Call ahead (270) 384-1645. Owners Gary & Marketta Dubree.

  • Rerun's Holmes Bend General Store
    PIG ROAST: Coming Saturday, October 4, 2008! Starting at around 4:00pmCT. The Holmes Bend Community Celebration! Rerun is furnishing and cooking the fattened pig and the bread! Sides are potluck. Bring a dish.
    DAILY SPECIAL: Saturday, October 4, 2008:
    Everything from Rerun's extensive menu will be cooked to order today! Come in for Simply the Best Food on Green River Lake Breakfasts Anytime.
    WEBB'S JERKY: Rerun's is the place for Kentucky made WEBB'S Jerky. Beef, deer, elk, and American Bison. You've never had better Webb's, made in Payneville, KY and sold at Rerun's.MINIATURE GOLF: Play all day and under the lights. Join the crowds enjoying the great Fall Weather here. Just $2.00 per game per player!

  • DESSERTS: Huge Chewy, Chocolatey BROWNIES, only 50 cents each.
  • Adair County School District Menu
    FALL BREAK until Monday, October 13, 2008: We'll announce School Menu when school resumes. Menu September 29 through October 24, 2008
  • Order online
    Do your shopping from home, with Wal-Mart Site-to-Store (SM).

    Special advertising today:

    Real Estate Auction Calendar:
    There are currently many once in a iife time opportunities in Adair County Real Estate. For listings and links, Click Here

    Special Sales in New CM Clothing Classification:
    • Ja Ci's Boutique has Sale Prices, Summer Clothes. New Fall Line of Clothing and Jewelry.
    • Mitzi's has closed. Inventory has been bought by Best Buy Clothes and More, 310 Public Square, Columbia, KY. (270) 634-2389. New ad coming soon. We're looking forward to serving you.
    Submit Your Classified Ad now, using our contact form.

    Sports Calendars

    ENTERTAINMENT:Coming Saturday, October 11, 2008. Diamond Rio concert. Booster Field. Adair County School District Campus. Tickets $15 available at CIty Hall, 116 Campbellsville ST., Columbia, KY. Phone (270) 384-6183.


    NEW! Click Read More to go links to SPORTS CALENDARS, TODAY'S BEST PHOTOS, and MUCH MORE

    Scroll to end of article for Today's Picture Album. More added throughout the day. Also, NEW: Photos added within Today. Check throughout the day for updates.

    Click here to read yesterday's "Today" feature.
    A note: You can keep going back, a day at a time, each time an older "Yesterday's" page is accessed.

    Academic calendarsCultural events calendarsSPORTS SCHEDULESAdair County Schools "Learning for a Lifetime"

    For 2008-2009 School Calendar, Click Here.

    School website was updated September 29, 2008Click Here Daily for the comprehensive Adair County Schools website. In a community with some of the world's best websites, this frequently updated one is a standout. Find your child's school for important contacts, athletics, clubs/organizations, faculty staff listings, SBDM Council meetings, events, and links.


    2007 Adair County Band website. Doyle Lloyd, webmaster.

    Western Bypass from 24,000 feet, 13 minutes from Lexington, KY, photo by Doug Campbell, Columbia Pilot posted on CM on June 28, 2007.

    Perry Parrish Aerial Photographs: CWB, others, August 9, 2008 Photos of Holladay Place, Majestic Yachts, The Long Bridge, the Adair Justice Center, Adair County Water Treatment Plant, ACES and ACHS, Green River Lake, and Adair School Property will be in the series.

    Wolf Creek Dam

    To access the Army Corps of Engineers Wolf Creek Dam website online, Click Here

    Wolf Creek Dam Weekly Progress: Latest, with aerial view of all the new work at Halcomb's Landing, Dated September 4, 2008 Water level, down, at 680.53 feet Click here for September 4, 2008 (latest) Wolf Creek Dam update.

    2008 Kentucky Primary & Election Calendar & Candidates
    See candidate filings for City Council, Constable, School Board, and Soil Conservation District races. Click Here

    Click Here for 2008 Election Calendars at the Secretary of State's website.
    To see the results by precincts or absentee voting, click on links below:
    Absentee totals. White Oak.Eunice-Pellyton. Little Cake. East Columbia.Ozark.S. Columbia-Ozark. Glens Fork-Melson Ridge. Gradyville-Nell. Sparksville-Breeding. Milltown. West Columbia. Cane Valley-Holmes. Knifley-Roley. North Columbia. Hurt.

    For complete filings at Kentucky Secretary of State Trey Grayson's office for President, US Senator US Representative, State Representative, Justice of the Supreme Court, Judge of the Court of Appeals, and District Judgeships, Click Here.

    Voter Registration is open in the office of Adair County Court Clerk Sheila Blair. Office hours 8:00am-4:00pmCT Monday-Friday through close of business on Monday, October 6, 2008.
    (Registration books to be closed starting October 7, 2008, fourth Tuesday preceding through November 11, 2008, first Monday following election.This time period may vary depending on whether the last day to register to vote falls on a state or federal holiday. If the last day to register to vote falls on a state or federal holiday, the period runs until the end of the next day which is not a Saturday or Sunday nor a state or federal holiday.)

    Please remember to submit events, celebrations now for January 2008 and all of 2008 calendar of Events and Celebrations and to send new and updated entries for the Directory of Churches

    Driver's Seat Links:

    This story was posted on 2008-10-04 05:42:43
    Printable: this page is now automatically formatted for printing.
    Have comments or corrections for this story? Use our contact form and let us know.

    Osage Orange: Many uses, none epicurean

    2008-10-04 - Photo By Pen.
    A HEDGE APPLE BY ANY OTHER NAME is an Osage apple, an Osage orange, a hedgeball, a horseapple, brand fruit, wild orange, among others. According to most sources, the fruit is not toxic, but isn't palatable either, and cows can choke on them. Some use them for insect and spider repellents. Maybe they are best as throw-away toys for little kids. The trees were orginally planted around here for wind breaks and as living cattle fences. The most famous hedgeapple trees near by are at Ft. Harrod in Harrodsburg, KY, and at the Telsie Fudge place on the Toria Road near Chestnut Grove.

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    On the way to B o A Regional, Murray, KY

    2008-10-04 - KY 61 S at Holladay Place, Columbia, KY - Photo By Ed Waggener.
    The LEAD VEHICLES in the Adair County Marching Band Convoy passed Holladay Place at approximately 8:07amCT this morning, Saturday, October 4, 2008, on its way to the Bands of America Regional Competition in Murray, KY. Up front,almost to the exit onto the LBN is the No. Vehicle, Director Tim Allen's SUV, followed by three ACSD busses carrying the band, and casting a big shadow, the first of two equipment bearing semi-trailers. The next official vehicle after the semi's is the Wiggle Wagon then Mr. Doyle Lloyd, followed by band parents, boosters and fans. The caravan was scheduled to be in Murray at 2:30pmCT, and to perform at 4:15pmCT. The band will stay overnight in Murray and is expected to return to Columbia on Sunday afternoon at around 2:30pmCT.

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    Contact us: Columbia Magazine and are published by Linda Waggener and Pen Waggener, PO Box 906, Columbia, KY 42728.
    Phone: 270.403.0017

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