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Perry Parrish Aerial Photographs: CWB, others, August 9, 2008

Perry Parrish has taken several aerial photos of area around the Columbia Western Bypass.

The photos were taken Saturday evening, August 9, 2008. They are being posted now.

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This story was posted on 2008-08-11 13:24:32
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Perry Parrish aerial photograph: Exit 46, New Walmart

2008-08-11 - Exit 46 & KY 61, Columbia, KY - Photo By Perry Parrish.
Holladay Place progress can be seen more clearly in this aerial photograph by Perry Parrish. The Super Walmart parking lot is paved in the left of the photo. The overpass is KY 61 over the Louie B. Nunn. The tall two and one half story houseand surrounding grounds are the Gertrude Browning farm. The crossing midway up in the photo is KY 80 and KY 61. Straight ahead of KY 80 is Walmart Drive, with the Newcomb Oil Five Star Store at the first lot on the right. The white fence on the left is around the R.L. and Marsha Walker place. The orphaned road beyond the fence is Will Walker Road, which becomes Music Lane at its T. The road to the left in the top of the photo is Mountain View. To the right, it's Old Burkesville Loop with the Bobby Sneed Body Shop. More details on the planned shopping center development will be added later

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Perry Parrish aerial photos: WalMart to rock quarry

2008-08-11 - Holladay Place, Columbia, KY - Photo By Perry Parrish.
The New Super Walmart Store at Holladay Place is shown in this aerial photo taken Saturday, August 9, 2008. In the foreground is the Richard Lee and Marsha Walker Farm. The fence is along KY 61 South, with KY 80's intersection on the lower right. The construction trailer is on Walmart Drive. The Louie B. Nunn Parkway is behind Walmart. The large gray limestone area at the top of the photograph is the Burton Stone Quarry on KY 704.

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Perry Parrish aerial photos: The CWB Russell Creek Bridge

2008-08-12 - Photo By Perry Parrish.
The Long Russell Creek Bridge: Perry Parrish took this aerial view of the Russell Creek Bridge on the Columbia Western Bypass northern terminus on Saturday, August 9, 2008. The photo shows how close the bypass is to completion. The cornfields in the left side of the photo are on the Henson Farms, which were once part of the Curt Yarberry Place. The pool of water under the bridge is high for the time of the year, thanks to ample rain.In the upper part of the photo can be seen, from left, the blue roofed McDaniels Building, the beige Rex's Cycle complex, and center top, Hancock Tire. The detail is not as strong there, but if you spot a man waving, it may be Oral Hancock, founder of Hancock Tire. Behind Hancock Tire is Anthony Janes' Fabco building. In the upper right can be seen the roof top of the Adair Progress and the building housing its might presses; and, peeking through, headquarters on Grant Lane of the Adair County Water District. The CWB photos in this series were taken to use with a grant application for a 12" Adair County Water District Water Main which will follow the CWB to KY 61 South and then to Holladay Place and a planned one million gallon ACWD water tower, the largest in the system.

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