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Letter: Theft of pets continues

By Ann Pearson

This is the third time a pet has been stolen right out of our fenced-in yard. First they stole my male Bull Mastiff, then our chihuahua, and now our mini chi-weenie. It's insane that we keep our dogs in a fence and someone steals them and for what purpose? To sell is our best guess. Now even when we are home we must keep our pets inside unless we are outside with them.

Pictures of our pet are provided. If you see or have someone offer to sell you a pet please make sure they own that dog or say something like "let me check with the police just to make sure it's not one they are looking for," as they will probably leave quickly.

My daughter is just devastated her beloved pets are gone as am I with my Mastiff being gone. I don't understand why someone would do this to someone. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Note: If you have any information about these missing dogs, you can reach Ann at 270-283-2136.

This story was posted on 2024-05-15 16:02:19
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Please help find this missing pet

2024-05-15 - Adair County, KY - Photo from Ann Pearson.

This is the third pet we have lost out of our fenced yard, our mini chi-weenie, pictured here snoozing on the couch.

We are devastated our beloved pet is gone. We don't understand why someone would do this. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

If you have any information, please call 270-283-2136.

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