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Dr. Ronald P. Rogers CHIROPRACTOR Support for your body's natural healing capabilities 270-384-5554 Click here for details Columbia Gas Dept. GAS LEAK or GAS SMELL Contact Numbers 24 hrs/ 365 days 270-384-2006 or 9-1-1 Call before you dig Visit ColumbiaMagazine's Directory of Churches Addresses, times, phone numbers and more for churches in Adair County Find Great Stuff in ColumbiaMagazine's Classified Ads Antiques, Help Wanted, Autos, Real Estate, Legal Notices, More... |
Generate enthusiasm for Monday morning Does your Monday feel like the first day of spring or the first day of winter? Some people can't wait to get started on the challenges of the new week. Others, even those who like their work, dread Monday mornings. If you are in the second group, here are some ideas on how to generate some enthusiasm for Mondays. * Before leaving work on Friday, make a note of what you will do on Monday. Include something you like to do. If you think about work on Saturday or Sunday, you'll have something enjoyable to anticipate. It can take the pressure off Sunday night and Monday morning. * When you are checking your wardrobe on Saturday, decide what you'll wear on Monday. Make it something nice. * Stop thinking ahead about work on the weekend when you should be involved in personal activities. Author and consultant William Bridges says many people live 18 hours ahead of themselves. He advises people to practice mindfulness and live in the moment. * Enjoy the whole weekend. Those who dread Mondays often rob themselves of the joys of Sunday. Safety experts say Monday morning is also a danger zone. More accidents occur then and people may not work as well because they are not mentally prepared. When you wake up on Monday morning and you know what you will do, you'll be ready for the week. You will be safer and more effective. You'll have a head start. This story was posted on 2023-12-17 18:19:53
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Red Cross giveaway over at Melson Ridge, another planned Christmas Village of Billy Pickett opens Dec 19 JOY Ministries Crisis Resource Center - Public Walk Thru Enjoy holiday cheer at MC Public Library Saturday Biggs and Faulkner join Columbia Adair Chamber Board Get free weather radios, smoke detectors on Saturday First & Farmers National Bank welcomes Donna Stotts Adair County Community Choir in Christmas Concert Drivers reminded to plan safe rides this holiday season Letter: Thank You note from family of Cathy Bledsoe Turner View even more articles in topic News |
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