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VOTE: 2020 General Election Information

  • October 5, 2020: Last day to register at
  • October 9, 2020: Last day to request absentee ballot at GOVOTEKY.COM
  • October 13, 2020: First day to vote in-person

By Lisa Greer
Adair County Clerk

Voting in Kentucky's November General election for races from City Council to President will be held much like the June 23 Primary, with both in-person and expanded absentee voting offered. Despite the unprecedented nature of voting amid the COVID-19 pandemic, we assure the voters there will be plenty of opportunity to safely cast an in-person ballot in this important general election.

A bi-partisan election plan put forth by Secretary of State Michael G. Adams and Governor Andy Beshear, has guidelines to protect the safety of voters, while maintaining the integrity of the November 3 General Election.

The change in voting procedures gives voters the option of voting in-person or by mail to alleviate any person's concerns over contracting COVID-19.

The deadline to register to vote in the November 3, 2020 General Election is Monday, October 5, 2020.
You may register by going on line at, or by coming into the Adair County Clerk's Office, 424 Public Square, Ste 3, Columbia, KY. Call 270-384-2801 with any questions.

#1 Question: Do I have to vote by mail? No. A ballot will only be mailed to you the voter, if it is requested by you.

Options to Vote in the General Election
  1. Mail-In Absentee Ballot
    To requeste a ballot by mail, registered voters should go online to GOVOTEKY.COM.

    You may also call the Adair County Clerks' Office to request your ballot to be mailed. For either method, you will be asked to give specific information in order to process your application.

    Ballots will be mailed beginning in mid-September.

    The deadline to request an absentee mail ballot either on line or by phone is October 9, 2020, unless you have a medical emergency. After this date, mail-in ballots cannot be sent to voters without a medical emergency, so early in-person voting will be the only way to avoid crowds on Election Day.

    Ballots must be received back in ballot drop box at the County Clerk's Office located at 424 Public Square, Ste 3, and Columbia by 6pmCT on November 3, 2020.

    Ballots received in the mail and postmarked on or before November 3, 2020 will be accepted until November 6, 2020, and shall be accepted upon receipt by County Clerk until 6pmCT.

    Do I Have To Mail My Ballot Back? No
    Ballots must be received either by mail or in our ballot drop-off box at the Adair County Clerk's Office located in Adair County Annex Building, 424 Public Square, Columbia. Drop-off box will be available, Monday through Friday from 8amCT to 4pmCT and Saturdays from 8amCT to NoonCT, with the exception of Saturday, October 10, 2020, when we will be closed.

  2. Early In-Person Voting at the County-Wide Voting Center
    This site is capable of permitting any registered voter residing in Adair County to vote at this location, starting on Tuesday, October 13, 2020.

    On October 13 through November 2, 2020, Monday through Friday and the Saturdays of October 17, 24, 31, on Monday through Friday from 8amCT to 4pmCT, and on Saturdays 8amCT to NoonCT. You may come at the time of your choice.

    Every register voter qualifies to vote early in person at your convenience during any of the days listed. It will be just like Election Day, with poll workers, same machines, etc. This was included in the plan to hopefully help alleviate crowds on election day.

    The County-Wide Voting Center is located in the Basement of Adair County Annex Building, 424 Public Square, Columbia KY. The Adair County Annex Building is located across from the Old Courthouse in the middle of the square, on the corner of Greensburg Street; the following Government offices are located in the same building: Judge Executive, Sheriff, PVA, Clerk,County Attorney and Child Support.

    Please follow CDC Guidelines and practice social distancing, and please be prepared to prove ID.

  3. Election Day In-Person Voting, November 3, 2020
    Polls will be open from 6amCT to 6pmCT

    Plans have been submitted to the State Board of Elections and the Governor's Office pending approval. We are requesting additional voting locations for in-person Election Day voting. Once plans are approved we will make sure this information is available to you the voters.

    Please follow CDC Guidelines and practice social distancing.

Please remember that you may call the Adair County Clerk's Office for any questions at 270-384-2801, or email

This story was posted on 2020-09-09 08:25:11
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